Property Committee

Property deals with matters concerning church buildings and manses, including making recommendations to the Presbytery concerning applications to carry out work on these buildings to advising congregations on property matters. It also deals with the fixtures and fittings within these buildings which enable the life and witness of the Church.
The Property Committee encourages and advises congregations how best to develop and maintain their buildings and facilities to resource their mission.
The Property Committee is proactive in ensuring that the General Trustees’ Land and Buildings Plan (“Well equipped spaces in the right places”) is adhered to. The Committee will work closely with the Planning Committee for this purpose.
Convener: Douglas Vallance
Ian Russell | Paisley St George's |
Douglas Thomson | Helensburgh |
Donessa Shearer | Building Officer |
Hugh McColl Helensburgh
Robert Guthrie Port Glasgow New
Ken Gray Bridge of Weir Freeland
Iain Cameron Houston & Killellan