Clyde Presbytery 
Presbytery Clerk: Rev Robbie Hamilton 

Business Committee


The Business Committee is responsible for seeking to ensure that business brought before the Presbytery is competent; and proposing an Order of Business which will ensure that all business will be dealt with efficiently. It has two sub-committees. Presbytery Finance deals only with the Presbytery’s finances including proposing an annual budget and the rate of Presbytery Dues. Nominations brings to the Presbytery the names of persons whom it nominates to serve on Presbytery committees and any other bodies on which the Presbytery is represented. The Business Committee also deals with any other matter remitted to it by the Presbytery and, on occasions, matters which do not fall within the remit of any other committee of the Presbytery.

Convener: Karen Harbison

Vice Convener: Maggie McArthur

Members: Clerk, Moderator, Treasurer, Convener S&F, Convener Planning/Implementation, Convener Property, Convener Ministries, Convener Mission and Convener LCR

Meeting Dates

Meetings of the Business Committee will take place on 27th August 2024, 28th January 2025,  and 3rd June 2025


Contact Us
The Wynd Centre
6 School Wynd

Tel: 01505 615033

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Copyright © 2016 Presbytery of Greenock and Paisley / Scottish Charity Number: SCO016779